Friday, July 2, 2010

The Downfalls of Clear Cutting

Much of the Tarbell trail has been clear cut. It's ugly and makes for bad trail conditions. I wish there was another way for logging companies to get lumber. I would even pay more if they didn't desicrate the land like this. It's intersting to see the different colors in the background of this photo...they really show the age of the forests.
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The Tarbell Trail

Yet another cool place in Washington.
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Men in Tights

Wednesday we rode a 19 mile loop called the Tarbell Trail just north of Camas and Washougal. It is a popular horse trail and the horses have pretty much killed any downhill flow the trail had, but it was still a good adventure. We got a little lost about 2 miles from the car and had to ask these redneck horseback riders where the trail was. I can only imagine what they were thinking when they saw Cage (in helmet with Mohawk) and Jarred. What they don't know is that these guys are bad-ass riders, especially Cage, I think Cage could have rode the entire trail in a wheelie if he wanted to.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

SURPRISE, it's elephant garlic!

Since we moved in last March I've wondered what these odd looking corn-like stalks were in the backyard. They weren't very aesthetically pleasing and I was leaning toward ripping them out. We didn't own the house yet though and I was reluctant to change too much in case our loan didn't go through. With the approval of the loan and the taking down of the for sale sign, we starting improving things as seems to be status quo for us and homes we purchase.

I started installing some drip line in the backyard for the gardens and plants so things don't die while we're off enjoying our free time during the summer. I was having trouble weaving the drip line between these weird stalks that had now grown odd seed pods on top, and the beautiful orange lilies in the back yard. I told Sarah I was going to rip out the stalks to see if they were indeed the garlic her mom thought they might be (her parents had just visited a few days before.) Once I took the first one out it was obvious! The smell was awesome!!! If you like garlic, plant it! It grows over the winter and when it's ready (we actually harvested ours a bit too soon due to ignorance) you have this great veggie that was maintenance free all winter long, it's the ideal garden plant!!! Big pay off, no pay in, what more could we ask for.

So now we're planning on planting more garlic this fall and we'll know how to harvest it more appropriately thanks to my aunt who is a garlic wizard. Check out the spindly little seed pod in the picture below, it must be over 6' from the actual garlic bulb, amazing plant! Nature is without a doubt the coolest aspect of life.