Sunday, October 3, 2010

The following building products should have NEVER been invented. They don't last and make lives difficult.
1. Linoleum- cheap product. Bad idea. Ugly.
2. Sheetrock- see previous post. Good idea but why can't someone come up with a better, less messy and time consuming product.
3. Carpet- traps every disgusting smell and piece of dirt in the world. Cheap and comfortable but always ends up gross.
4. Formica- cheap (noticing a trend?), ugly and doesn't last.
5. Vinyl siding- bad idea.
6. Shutters on exterior windows that remain MUCH smaller than the actual window opening and are nailed to the exterior siding.
7. Wall paper- especially when used to cover moldy Sheetrock.
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Why oh why do we remodel?
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Rot, Rot and More Rot

This was the most depressing stage of the remodel. At this point we'd been tearing into layer after layer of rotten wood. After finally getting down to the studs, we could tear no more. Luckily we didn't have to replace the studs BUT we'd yet to start on the floor. After tearing into the floor, Jarred realized that there were no joists in the floor, only layers of particle board and plywood (both rotten). So began another job.
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