Monday, August 18, 2008


So now that my new involuntary profession is nursing, I'm becoming well versed at what type of bandages work and what don't. Not that I'm good at bandaging, but I've come to realize what works and what doesn't. Jarred is pretty much one big scab right now and much of his arms and back need to be covered so he doesn't stick to everything he touches. While he needs to be covered, what he is covered with MUST come off easily or else my time with him in the shower is more painful than necessary.

I've come to realize there is a purpose to those extra large, extra long maxi pads- they soak up puss and don't stick to the human. Today, on my second trip to Wal-Mart in two days (painful), I started pricing out absorbent materials. Johnson and Johnson makes great bandages, but they're about $.80 per bandage. When you're using 8 a day, that adds up. So I wandered over to the maxi pad section....24 extra long maxi pads for $3.97 (the roll-back price). I'm sold.

I'm also sold on telfa pads and co-flex. My horse friends will nod in agreement, telfa pads don't stick to anything and co-flex sticks only to itself.


Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

Love the blog - hate the scabs... Hope Jarred feels better soon!

Noni said...

The blog is a great idea, looking to reading more - both of you are great writers & obviously continue to live a life that creates writing material.