Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Diggers

Gretta, the "hunter."
Although Jarred and I always complain about where we live, we're also the first to admit, there are perks to our location. While Shuksan and Gretta are often also bummed they live in town, they are always grateful for the fact that we live just yards away from a nature preserve. The preserve is fenced off to keep humans out, but Shuksan and Gretta can squeeze through the fence and entertain themselves for hours hunting nature. Aside from chasing deer, their favorite nature preserve pass time is hunting "voles" (or moles as the rest of the world calls them.) Gretta doesn't have the best digging abilities and Shuksan doesn't have the best nose, so together they make a great team. Gretta finds the "voles" and Shuksan digs, grabs with his mouth, and in general is able to excavate large amounts of earth. All the while, Gretta waits in rapt attention for some poor-unsuspecting "vole" to become unearthed.

Before I left to ride Nic yesterday, I wanted to take the dogs on a run, however, they'd disappeared from the house and I'd not seen them for over an hour. Having a hunch as to where they were, I took the camera and went dog hunting. I found them across the fence in the nature preserve covered in mud. I don't think this picture does their filth justice, but Gretta had mud piled on her nose, and Shuksan's collar was so caked I had to wash it. They were still a bit "vole" crazed as I reeled them back in and took them off on their run.
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Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

Do they actually catch the 'voles'? If so please come up and stay with us for a bit... we have a terrible mole problem and have tried every trick in the book but it just makes them angry and the mounds get bigger and more frequent - I'll have to send you a picture of some of our mole holes they are amazing!

S and J said...

Catch, kill and eat the things. Witnessing the consumption is gross.