Friday, December 5, 2008

A Man and His Big-Ass Chainsaw

No man is complete without some sort of big-ass tool, whether it be a power tool, oversized lawnmower or chainsaw, they all have one. Jarred's big-ass tool of choice happens to be a chainsaw.

I was first introduced to the big-ass chainsaw idea as we lay in our tent one night at the City of Rocks in Idaho. I happened to comment on the great fencing many of the ritzy homes in Sun Valley had and asked how one went about obtaining such fences. Jarred's reply (the seriousness was evident from his tone), "A big-ass chainsaw." Not long after this conversation, we purchased one, the 55 Rancher. Or should I say, Jarred purchased one. Upon it's arrival at our house, I eyed the thing cautiously and was careful when picking it up for fear that it would come alive and take control of my body. I've never been opposed to the idea of a big-ass chainsaw but don't find myself ever wanting to use one. I do, however, love heating my house with wood. And for this endeavor to remain affordable, we must use the big-ass chainsaw.

So, each year we tromps out into the woods to cut firewood. Because I don't aspire to ever use a big-ass chainsaw, I'm always in charge of carting the wood from the woods to the truck. I sometimes think using the chainsaw would be the easier job as Jarred typically aims for fairly large trees.

This year, we waited until the last legal day to cut wood. Between Jarred being injured and just having too much fun doing other activities this fall, we procrastinated. Needless to say, wood cutting is always somewhat fun...makes me feel a little like Dick Prenicky. If you're not familiar with Dick, PBS did a film about him. Dick went up into the Alaskan wilderness and proceeded to build his own cabin (prior to building the cabin, he built his tools) and lived in it for 30 or so years. He shot all his own food, made his own dishes and built his own canoe. When in wood cutting mode, Dick Prenicky is a bit of an idol.

This year, Jarred picked a downed tree on a failry steep hill. Not only did he enjoy being a man with a big-ass chainsaw (he even grew a beard for the occasion), he also enjoyed rolling the logs down the hill to the road and watching me chase them so they didn't roll off the other side of the road and down another hill. I have to admit, I don't mind the work that goes in to having wood but I'll never understand the thrill of the big-ass chainsaw.


Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

I didn't realize there was a 'tree hunting season'... hmmm will have to hear more about this next time I see you. I too love Dick Prenicky he is a man - my favorite part is when he builts the fireplace just in time for winter.

jess said...

I love that there is laws concerning when you can and can not cut trees....who knew? You and Jarred are hardcore, I don't think I know anyone else that owns, and regularly uses, a big ass chainsaw.