Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Remodel that Never Ends

I've been avoiding this blog post because I have not figured out where to start and have not made the time to sit down and begin the story...until last week the weather was good, still prime remodel weather. Now that the rain has hit, it's time to reflect. Jarred and I have this masochistic obsession with remodeling houses. We've finally admitted to ourselves that we'll never make money on real estate. We've also admitted that we don't really know why we remodel houses as we don't really like the work, we're not home bodies and we've yet to live in a house long enough to actually enjoy the remodel work we do. We tell ourselves this house will be different.

We purchased the Camas house a little over a year ago. We knew it needed work but wanted to suffer through a year of National Boards work before we dug into the house. After having fun with the fence, it was time to get down and dirty and address our dining room- the poorly built addition. The dining room looks like I built it. I'm no carpenter; I don't know my fractions, I measure with my eye and I'm not meticulous with my cutting. The floor on our dining room slopes down slightly and the roof was built with tongue and groove, a bit of particle board and some tar paper. Needless to say, we were one winter away from a leaky roof and buckets inside. The minute school got out, Jarred rallied the free help (thanks a ton Randy and Tyson) and they dug into the dining room. I gallivanted off to my parents for the weekend and came back to a new room (almost).

The photo above shows the true ghetto-ness of the dining room. It feels like so long ago that the house looked like this! Long ago we also decided we wanted metal siding. Actually, our dream is to have a metal roof AND siding but the teacher pocket book does not allow for such extravagances, so we went for partial metal siding. Our goal was also to make a boring ranch house into a "modern gem." Ok, that's a bit Sunset-ish but our goal was to show that ranch houses can be cool too.

*I dumped a myriad of photos on facebook for those really interested in the process. Facebook is the lazy man's blog.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Looks like you guys have done a lot. We've been in our house 4+ years and still need to do work. It really NEVER ends.