Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I really hope the guy who created soffits sits on a cactus one day. While soffits represent the "finished" house, one who has been built with love and care, they also represent an aspect of design which could have been avoided but has somehow become mainstream, like drywall. Our house had soffits but they were poorly built and equated with much of the rot we found as we tore into the back of the house. They had to go. But did they have to return? I pleaded with Jarred that we not put them back in but he scoffed as if I was insisting we also NOT put in the windows and simply cover the window holes with tarps. As we worked on replacing the soffits around the WHOLE house, I bitched like a teenager. It was my job to drill the soffit holes and whlile I was drilling it was hot, the drill was heavy and the drill bit sucked. My morale about the whole project was little help and I think Jarred would have rather just done the project without me. Now that we have nice soffits though, I'm glad we do and I'm now obsessed with looking at other houses and critiquing their soffits. I'll also rest well now knowing that our soffit holes are evenly matched at 3 inches apart and they offer ample venting.
*By the way, a great way to a quick tan? Hang out near a black tar papered house during the summer. This photo was taken just after we put the tar paper up on the last dreary day of summer.

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