Monday, January 16, 2012

Climb a Little Dine a Little

In keeping with the tradition of being...well...non-traditional, Jarred and I decided that the add on in our house- the one we had to totally remodel this summer- needed to be more than just a dining room. When we first looked at the house, Jarred thought (out loud as he often does) "This would make a great climbing room." I initially poo-pooed the idea in a temporary attempt to be conventional and grown-up. But as we started to rebuild the room, the idea grew on me. Since we'd lived in the house for a year before tearing the room down, I'd come to realize how little we actually use the room. We'd dine there when we had friends over but the kitchen seemed to be a better gathering place. So up went the plywood walls. We finally got enough holds to put a few routes up and realized we're so out of shape, we can only make it around the room once before resting, so maybe it's a good idea that we only have a few holds right now. For those of you who cringe at our un-conventionality, no worries- the room still holds a dining room table for grown-up parties and such.


Unknown said...

It's so boring to be conventional. The wall looks great! This way you can wear off your dinner, it's a two for one!

Gina Lillie said...

I think it is awesome. That is the beauty of owning your home, you get to make it fit your personality.

S and J said...

Oooh..random blog-stalker!