Monday, January 23, 2012

We Had a Birthday Bash

We had a white trash party. It was really fun. Our friends took it seriously and dressed up and brought over a lot of bad beer that we'll never drink. I said some funny things about our friends on Facebook. Adults should have dress up parties more often. They make us feel young and remind us to not take our lives so seriously. No that Jarred and I do...but we have our moments. Some funny memories of the party that were not captured in photos:
1. Our friend Heather decided to buy really cheap fake nails and wear them. She did not realize they didn't come with glue so she used Scotch tape. Then she learned that it was hard to drive with the nails. Then at our party, they started to fall off and we kept finding them on the floor, couch, table.
2. Marie wore really heinous g-string underwear to compliment her Tinkerbell pajama pants. Talk about paying attention to detail.
3. Terry didn't even have to shop for his outfit. He had an Aerosmith tee-shirt, a Nascar hat and a snowmobile jacket in his closet...all of which he bought to wear somewhere seriously at one time.
4. Fart machines only work well at quiet parties. I acquired a fart machine from a friend at the barn and I was all excited to use it. Jarred and I planted it on the couch but no one heard it, or if they did they were able to ignore the sounds. Bummer. I'm going to use it at school tomorrow.
5. Our friend Steve, who had just been in a pretty bad bicycle accident, actually scheduled his dentist apt. for his new tooth until after our party. What dedication.
We're super lucky to have found a great group of friends. It took awhile and living in North Bonneville didn't help. We love that they're always up for adventure- whether it be on bike, skis, in the bowling alley or at our house.


Gina Lillie said...

Looks like fun. I love themed parties, and agree, they should happen more often. Glad you had a great birthday.

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