Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I took this photo at the start of September and it makes me realize how fast Sophie is growing. She's still two but looks more grown up every day. Sophie is the first horse I've started seriously (meaning I really think about what I'm doing when I work with her). She's actually VERY smart and easy to ride. While she's still a two year old and has two year old moments, she's been a great learning experience for me. She's off to "school" this month and I'll miss riding her multiple times a week but I also know I'd like a finished horse before she's five as I really like to show. It's also hard for me to ride on a consistent basis right now because of school and my own school program, so it will be good for her to spend the winter elsewhere.

Just like other animals, horses have personalities. Sophie is social, she loves to be where the action is. She's also a thinker. As I rode yesterday, two girls came into the arena with ponies and carts. Ponies attached to carts can look weird- ponies trotting fast with people in carts can be weirder, especially when the come up beside you. But Sophie gave them a few glances and then got back to work.
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Gina Lillie said...

You may need to explain this pony cart business. The point?

S and J said...

Ponies attached to carts...people drive the ponies...there are competitions.