Friday, December 30, 2011


I know most of you are already dog lovers..some of you own packs of dogs. When I went to Sun Valley for Christmas I was a bit bummed to leave Gretta and Shuksan behind as it was CHRISTMAS and what abusive parent dumps their canine children on someone else for the holidays? I wasn't worried about missing dogs though, as Meg has two (Gully- black lab mix and Mavis- brindle pit mix) and she was house sitting for a family who had two more dogs (Buddy- three legged short hair- a crotchety version of Gretta, and Mazie- terrier mix in photo). The dogs were a source of entertainment all week and they reminded me how much happier people can be when they have pets. Meg works at the local animal shelter so she's privy to each dogs story (all three in this photo are from the shelter) and it continually amazes me that people don't treat animals with the same compassion they treat other humans. Gully came to the shelter because his owner was moving and just couldn't find an apartment that allowed dogs (would he/she have done this to a child- opps, can't find a place big enough, may as well put you on craigslist). Mazie was shot at because her owner had been breeding dogs and suddenly had too many and needed to downsize. Mavis wandered around the woods for weeks before someone brought her to the shelter. There are a ton of stories like these and I'm continuously baffled by humans and their attitude that everything is disposable and that the world exists to serve human needs.


Gina Lillie said...

One of our "if we were millionairs" dreams is to buy a ton of land and fill it with dogs from local shelters. There are just so many that need love, and I want to save them all.

Meghan said...

I love this picture.

Greta said...

This is so true, and you said it in a perfect way.