Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Best Summer Ever

This is the first summer of my adult life that I've not worked. The last actual work I did was a barn sitting job in June. Since then I've done nothing but whatever I want! Funny how much free time I thought I'd have since I wasn't working AND funny how quickly I filled that time. So here's our summer in a nut shell, or as Colleen calls it, Readers Digest style.

July 5- Our month in Idaho begins. I usually work in Idaho but this year I just came to play. I brought both Sophie and Nic and got a lot of riding time in, even took Sophie on her first big-girl trail ride. The photo above was taken at my friend, Lori Sewell's place. My horses stay there every summer, it's like a resort for them as there are a ton of horses in the neighborhood, the grass is great and Lori has super nice soft sandy pens for them to sun themselves in mid-day. The other great part about Lori's is that Meghan lives about 5 minutes away. We always stay with Meghan so the convenience of both locations is perfect.

While in Idaho we also biked our buns off. I figured I averaged a little over 50 miles a week on my mtn bike, seems impressive until I calculated that Jarred averaged 100 miles a week. Now I seem like a weenie. We got to ride all of our favorite rides and some new ones. My overall favorite ride is called Cold Springs to Warm Springs. The climb is fun and the downhill is the best of anywhere I've ever been. I rode this ride once a week while we were in Idaho and took anyone and everyone would would come with me on the ride. Jarred managed to get in some "epic" rides, these generally involve hiking with bike exploring unknown locations. I steer clear of these rides. I like biking and want to keep it that way.

We also have awesome Idaho friends. Staying with Meghan is great as she's always game for our energy and my obsessive cleaning of her house. Plus she has two of the best dogs. We always seem to meet new friends during our visits too. I think I have more of a social life in Idaho than I do in Washington.
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