Saturday, August 21, 2010

Never Won a Buckle

So although I've shown for a few years now, I've never actually won a belt buckle. In the show world, buckles are the thing to win. They are totally gaudy but show off your accomplishments. Buckles tend to go towards first place winners and I generally end up 2nd or 3rd. Not that I'm complaining, but first place is nice sometimes! At the last show I attended with Nic, I entered the "Never Won a Buckle" class. It happened to be the second last class of the day on Saturday. I'd entered three other classes that day, it was about 90 degrees and I'd also ridden in the first class of the day at 7 am. It didn't occur to me that the buckle class might start a little 9:30 pm. I considered scratching the class since it wasn't a big money class, I'd wanted to have fun at the luau dinner we have at this show every year, and I knew Nic would be pooped, but in the back of my mind I wanted that damn buckle. So I stuck with my original plan and rode in the class. It was actually a tough class but I ended up winning which made the wait and late ride worth it. My friend Katrina sponsored the class (she was also dressed up in luau gear) and Mike Stokes has been helping me with Nic. Mike is a great trainer...I had instant success once I started riding with him, I think my scores went up by 1/2 a point! This was a nice way to end my last horse show with Nic. He's been such a good teacher and confidence builder. I think I'll miss him more than I actually thought I would. I try not to get attached to my horses like I do my dogs but when you put so much time (and money) into a horse, it's hard not to be attached. Sophie is a good replacement but she has big shoes to fill.

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